Life has changed remarkably since the introduction of the Internet and it adoption by the average person. The lives and careers of most people are now intertwined with once unfamiliar words like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, and Yahoo. It can even be difficult to pull yourself away from your computer and get some exercise or perform once routine tasks. Many people are incredulous when told there is such a thing as Internet addiction, however, it is a real phenomenon with very real consequences in people’s lives.
Road to Internet Addiction
Individuals who have an Internet addiction tend to spend a tremendous amount of time in non-productive activities that can lead to neglect in other areas of their lives. Obsessive visits to check email, social media, and play games can act just like other types of addictions like gambling.
Role of the Brain
Internet addicts seem to have an overactive area of the brain that stimulates the release of certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. Chemicals like acetylcholine and dopamine affect the brain’s reward and response centers. The chemicals act as a reward for this particular behavior and can reinforce it to the degree that it actually becomes an addiction.
Types of Internet Addicts
Internet addicts can come from surprising areas. For example, one of the highest risk groups is successful employees — people with good jobs and pay. These individuals are actually at high risk of suffering from psychological problems like depression, anxiety, and isolation. They tend to be very driven and use their internet connections at home to keep working outside the office. Workaholics are also more vulnerable because there is a growing trend of allowing work from home via the Internet. These individuals become addicted at home and tend to have withdrawal symptoms when logging off.
Since Internet Addictions are not classified as a mental illness, the cost of treatment is not normally covered by insurance. This is in spite of the fact that studies have found the same brain regions light up when Internet addicts log on as those found in alcohol and drug addicts.
Most treatments for this addiction focus on getting the addict to check into a retreat where they can disconnect and rediscover themselves. Treatment for Internet addiction, however, is still in its infancy, so sufferers may find several different approaches for their treatment before a consensus is reached among professionals regarding treatment.
If you or someone you know needs help with addiction or finding an technology detox, we can help: Call Today (800) 305-3417